University of São Paulo: USP offers more than 100 entrepreneurial disciplines to its students – India Education Diary


Looking for elective courses to take in the 1st semester? The USP Entrepreneurship Nucleus (NEU) has organized a guide with more than 100 subjects focused on entrepreneurship and innovation. The content gathers the subjects offered in several institutes, faculties and campuses of USP to the students already enrolled. The objective is to provide an overview of options for students who wish to undertake in some way, whether creating their own innovative businesses, social impact initiatives, working in startups or even innovating within large companies.

The list is divided into two parts and highlights some disciplines. In the first part, NEU selected courses aimed at creating startups, which will be held in the first half of this year. “We did this because the last enrollment interaction for the 1st semester of 2022 has already started and will only run until 01/30”, said José Carlos Junior, from the NEU marketing team.
The second part of the list presents dozens of disciplines in spreadsheets, segmented by institutes. To access the content of a specific university institute, simply download the list as a PDF and click on the names of the institutes available in the summary. These are disciplines offered by units from all areas of knowledge, such as mathematics, engineering, communication, architecture, humanities, biomedical sciences, law and more, in addition to indications of entrepreneurial disciplines on campuses in the interior of the state, such as São Carlos, Piracicaba and Ribeirão Black.

The material also guides students more broadly about the subjects, indicating ways to obtain evaluation from other students in each subject and providing a library of contents and a wall of vacancies.

Entrepreneurship Center
Aimed at students, the USP Entrepreneurship Center seeks to foster a startup culture at the University. The institution is supported by researchers, USP institutions and professors, with the mission of helping USP students and alumni to start their startups or work on existing startups.

Content Library:
The NEU content library brings together a series of references for USP students interested in entrepreneurship, such as content from the world’s largest accelerator, unicorn founders and the NEU itself. There you can also check the Wall of Vacancies in

Lab EAD:
Finding quality content about startups is no longer an easy task. Now, content that allows the acceleration of a startup from scratch is even more difficult. Lab EAD, a compilation of free online content from NEU, has this proposal. Containing exclusive content from NEU (such as workshops from the last two years of acceleration programs), Lab EAD brings video classes, texts and activities that make up a startup creation guide.

The collection of courses on Coursera focused on entrepreneurship and skills needed for the job market is a great opportunity to train yourself. NEU has developed six courses in partnership with the Dean of Research at USP, with a variety of content made by professors and entrepreneurs, extra content for deepening, reading recommendations, activities that will be corrected, among other advantages.
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