UT Tyler hosts pandemic planning course for businesses – KLTV


TYLER, Texas (KLTV) – UT Tyler is offering a new program to train small business owners and employees how to maintain a healthy and safe work environment, so they can be prepared in case of a future pandemic.
This free course is grant funded by the U.S. Department of Labor in order to be able to educate employers and employees on workplace health and safety. The training program was developed by UT Tyler physicians and certified professionals.
Dr. Cynthia Ball is physician at UT Tyler Health Science Center who helps explain the contents of the course. Dr. Ball says smaller businesses tend to struggle more when it comes to being ready to respond to infectious diseases inside the workplace.
“Of course, you want to keep a safe workplace. Encourage hand hygiene, cough etiquette, and appropriate masking when needed. Check your ventilation systems, all the things that we’ve heard about. It also encompasses having a team who monitors recommendations and takes ownership of this process,” says Ball.
The pandemic planning course covers hazards and exposures, controls to address risk, infection prevention measures, identification and isolation of sick employees, contingency planning, and the development of a pandemic plan.
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