Video: Sunday Nov 27th ‘Good News’ Spotlight – Bernews


News that Dame Flora Duffy won another World Championship title, Bermuda won multiple gold medals in cycling in the Dominican Republic, Bermudian author St Clair Tucker delivered a lecture at Harvard University, and Gherdai Hassell’s art was showcased in South Africa were all some of the positive news stories from the past week.
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In additional good news, Leilanni Nesbeth scored in a Florida State victory, Kole Hall scored in a Chester victory, Ascot staff volunteered at Globe Museum, James Lee won the 2022 Raleigh ‘Ultimate Survivor’ Advanced Level title, and Jahkari Woods earned the Public Service Excellence Award for October.
We also posted various community photo galleries, including coverage of the Brownies’ eco-friendly hats and celebrations of the United Nations International Day of the Girl.

In an effort to highlight some of positive news happening in our community, we supplement our standard morning and evening email newsletters with a special Sunday “Good News” email newsletter edition, and also produce a highlight video and article which strictly focuses on the positive news about Bermuda and Bermudians from the past week. You can sign up to have the free newsletter delivered via email here, and/or access the links below.
For more positive coverage, you can also visit other websites in the Bernews Network; showcases uplifting Bermuda news and the tourism genre, offers free Bermuda themed Facebook covers and phone wallpapers; and you can view over 200 ‘Good News’ summary videos spanning back to 2017 here on Bernews.TV.
click here Bermuda Sunday 'Good News' Spotlights 1

Category: All, News, Videos

