Python For Beginners Crash Course Using VS Code


Summary, Description

Read Python From Scratch Absolute

We have developed informative, comprehensive, and easy-to-follow material that you can quickly understand and absorb.

The course begins with the essentials, including initialization of Python, fundamentals, programming,

The curriculum is going to be very hands-on as we lead you to becoming a competent Python developer from the beginning. We will start from the very beginning by showing you the setup and installation of the Python environment. Setup of visual studio code for python programming, and fundamental programming fundamentals

In this Crash course, the subjects discussed are:

* Contents of Beginner Python:

Python Environment Setup: For this course, we will be using the newly released python update to download and instal python version 3.9.1.

Visual Studio Code For Python: It’s one of the best code editors out there and we’re going to set up visual studio code for python programming for this course with visual studio code.

Python datatypes: Introduction to different python datatypes, we can study data types such as numeric datatypes (int, float, complex number), datatype string, datatype list.

Input from Python: Comments from Python and use of Python comments

Within the lesson, see you!

For whom this course is intended:

Fresh to Python For People
For people who want to study Python basics and then transition to web creation or data science


Course Link