How to Pass the Oracle Certified Java Developer Certification OCP 11 Exam –


I am Java programmer, blogger on and
Hello Java programmers, if you are preparing for OCP Oracle Certified Java SE 11 Developer Certification, or OCP 11 with code 1Z0-819 in 2021 and looking for the best resources like books, courses, and mock tests then you have come to the right place.
In this article, I have shared a few of my favorite resources to prepare for 1Z0-819 certification exam. You may not know but now you can become Oracle Certified Java Developer by passing just one exam, instead of two exams like Oracle Certified Java Associate Exam and Oracle Certified Java Professional Exam.
This is a really big relief and that's the reason many Java developers are thinking to become certified Java developers in 2021.
By the way, 1Z0-819 or OCP 11 Java 11 Developer certification is one of the prestigious certifications but this is very difficult to compare to previous Java certifications like Java SE 8 Programmer I (OCAJP 8 – 1Z0-808) and Java SE 8 Programmer II (OCPJP 8 – 1Z0-809) and even if you are an experienced Java developer, it's very difficult to crack this exam without practice.
Not only it requires good knowledge of tricky topics like Modules and Concurrency but also you need to have speed and accuracy to solve all question on given time and that's where these resources will help you.
I have always said that passing an IT certification requires three things, a good course, a good book, and a nice practice test, and Java SE 11 certification (1Z0-819) is no different.
If you want to pass this in-demand and prestigious Java certification on the first attempt, here are my recommended books, courses, and practice tests.
This is an excellent preparatory course for Java programmers aiming for Java SE 11 Developer certification on Udemy. Created by Tim Buchalaka, one of my favorite Udemy instructors and author of the famous, The Complete Java Masterclass course, this course is specially prepared for the 1Z0-819 exam.
The course is divided into two parts and it is very well structured and covers all exam topics in good detail. Tim has also added quizzes after each module which is good to revise the exam topic and whatever you have learned in this section.
If you are preparing for the 1Z0-819 exam and need a complete course then I highly recommend this one, especially if you have worked in Java before and know Java basics. You can also buy this course for $10 or slightly more in Udemy sales which happen every now and then.
Here is the link to join this course – Java SE 11 Developer 1Z0-819 OCP Course – Part 1
This is one of the best books to prepare for the OCP 11 or 1Z0-819 Certification exam. This Java certification book covers all Java SE 11 Developer certification topics in good detail, which not only prepares you for the exam but also gives you good experience and knowledge to crack Java interviews in 2021.
This book covers the previous version of this exam when you needed to pass two exams OCAJP and OCPJP to become a certified Java developer.
This book is still very good and covers most of the exam topics and if you go through the book you will be in good shape for this exam.
You can combine both this book and course with my 2021 Java SE 11 Certification Practice Test udemy course to build the speed and accuracy required to pass the exam on the first attempt. Here is what you will get in my course
This course contains 5 full-length, real exam-like practice tests, each containing 50 questions. You can take these practice tests in exam-like scenarios, I mean quiet room, timed test with no Google for help.
And, here is a coupon to buy my course on Udemy – 2021 Java SE 11 Certification Practice Tests
I am very excited about the release of my new Udemy course, for the 1Z0-819 exam.
This is one of my dream projects which I have been working on since last year and one of the 3 goals I had set up for this year, along with Grokking the Spring Boot Interview and Grokking the Java Interview. This is also my first Java course on Udemy.
The mock test gives you an opportunity to test your Java skills by solving more than 250+ practice questions to prepare for Java SE 11 Developer certification or 1Z0-819 exam.
If you are preparing for this certification then you can use these practice tests to check your preparation level, find your strong and weak areas and work upon them.
That's all about the best Best Resources to prepare for the Java Certification 1Z0-819 exam in 2021. 
You can use this course and book to start your preparation and then try out my practice tests to assess your preparation level.
I have put a lot of effort into this practice test to make this one of the best practice tests for Java SE 11 certification and 1Z0-819 exam in the market and I would really appreciate your support.
If you join my course then please provide your feedback by rating and reviewing the course as this is the only way I can find whether the course met your expectation or not and whether it's worth your time and money.
Other Useful Resources and Articles for Java developers
The Official Guide of Java SE 11 Certification
The Ultimate Guide to OCP11 Certification
Once again, thank you all for your love and support. I really appreciate the response you gave to my first book. If you have any feedback or doubt feel free to ask.
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