Linux Administration (Free) – Career Booster



Welcome to the course Linux Administration (Free) – Career Booster where you are going to have a good hand holding over the Linux Command Line.

This course has been designed to ensure that you get an idea of the HOWs and WHYs of Linux Operating System. It is for sure that once you complete this course, you will not be a novice when you sit on a LInux PC. Post completion of all the tutorials of this course, you will be able to improve your Linux skills, develop your knowledge about some important Linux Administration topics thereby giving a platform to your career progression.

Who this course is for:

  • Aspirants of Linux+ (CompTIA), LPIC (LPI), Oracle Linux OCA/OCP, GCUX (SANS GIAC)
  • Beginners or Pro users willing to master the basics fundamentals of Linux Adminstration
  • Anyone willing to start a career in Linux based Environment
  • Anyone working in IT Sector
  • Students willing to learn about Linux Operating System and Administration
  • Computer Science and IT Students will to update their resume with Linux Course Certificte