Mastery in Java EJB: Step by Step EJB Application



EJB – Enterprise Java Bean

EJB (Enterprise Java Bean) is used to develop scalable, robust and secured enterprise applications in java.

The development of EJB 3 is faster than EJB 2 because of simplicity and annotations such as

  1. @EJB
  2. @Stateless
  3. @Stateful
  4. @TransactionManagement
  5. @Resources
  6. @SessionContext etc.

Topics of EJB Specification

What is EJB

What is enterprise java beans(EJB) and what are the advantages of EJB?

Session Bean

The session bean represents the business logic. It may be stateless, stateful or singleton.

Stateless Session Bean

What is stateless session bean, its lifecycle and example.

Stateful Session Bean

What is stateful session bean, its lifecycle and example.

JMS Tutorial

How to create robust and asynchronous message for distributed applications. What are messaging domains?

What is Java Messsage Service and what are the advantages of JMS.

What is JMS Queue? It is used for peer to peer messaging where a single message is delivered to only one receiver.

What is JMS Topic? It is also known as Publisher and Subscriber model where a single message is delivered to all the subscribers.

Message Driven Bean

A MDB is a JMS client that is invoked by passing message. It is deployed on the application server.

Entity Bean

In EJB 3.2, it is deprecated. Now it is replaced with JPA.



Who this course is for:

  • This tutorial is designed for Software Professionals as well as for all those who are willing to learn EJB Programming
  • This tutorial will give you a great understanding about EJB Programming concepts in simple and easy steps
  • People who wants to learn developing application using EJB

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