Registration open for free Chinese language and culture courses – Office of Communications and Marketing


The Office of International Programs is offering several non-credit Chinese language and culture courses this fall. All courses are free and will be taught by Taiwanese visiting scholar, Ms. Ssu-Yu Chang. Interested participants do not need any previous experience speaking or writing in Mandarin to register. Registration is open and available to all Auburn University faculty, staff and students. Space is limited per course, so email Ellie Lee to register now.

Below is a complete list of the courses.

Chinese Culture Class: Knotting:
– Oct. 14 from 12-12:50 p.m. in 242 Foy Hall
– Nov. 11 from 12-12:50 p.m. in 242 Foy Hall

Chinese Culture Class: Calligraphy:
– Oct. 28 from 12-12:50 p.m. in 242 Foy Hall

Chinese Language Course: In-Person:
– Oct. 11 to Nov. 19, Monday/Wednesday/Friday from 12-12:50 p.m. in 3133 Mell Classroom Building

Chinese Language Course: Online via Zoom:
– Oct. 11 to Nov. 19, Monday/Wednesday/Friday from 5-5:50 p.m.
– Oct. 12 to Dec. 2, Tuesday/Thursday from 5-6:15 p.m.

The Chinese language and culture courses are an outcome of the joint agreement signed on Sept. 1 between Auburn, the National Cheng Kung University, or NCKU, in Taiwan and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Atlanta. The goal of the agreement is to promote joint educational and cultural collaboration, and in turn establish a long-lasting friendship and cooperative partnership that enhances the educational experience at Auburn and NCKU.

Andrew Gillespie, assistant provost for international programs, had this to say about the agreement, “This is one of our partnerships that will address the goals of our University Strategic Plan and the University Strategic Internationalization Plan, strengthening high-impact teaching practices and providing for post-graduation employment for our students. With regard to our students, Auburn is well on its way to producing global citizens.”
