Rust for Beginners: Learn Rust in 4 Hours


Summary, Description

Any year since 2016, stack overload surveys reveal Rust as the language loved by #1. For that, there is an explanation. It is a language designed for the future. It takes in lessons from the last 30-40 years from any single programming language and provides a modern way of writing secure programmes for memory.

One thing focuses on Rust, writing code that doesn’t crash and is secure for memory. It is the hope of a programmer as it makes you write secure code. This course is for those wanting to join the realm of Rust and everyone. For this course, you need to have zero programming knowledge to start learning. You don’t require any computer science history, either.

For whom this course is intended:

This Rust course is designed for beginners not acquainted with the syntax of Rust.
Students on Rust finding a fast refresher
Anyone wanting to discover something new with a passion
Anyone who is prepared to work hard to master a modern and nuanced language in programming
Programmers at intermediate level who are trying to get a short description of Rust.
If you’re an expert programmer looking to master advanced Rust principles, this course is definitely not for you.


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