The Complete Android Kotlin Developer Course


A short summary

This course will teach you how to use Kotlin to create 17 online games and Android applications. This course now has more than 95k satisfied students enrolled.

The open source apps that we developed in this tutorial are listed below.

Find My Age is an app that helps you figure out your age.

Tic Tac Toe is a local app that allows you to play tic tac toe.

App for Calculator

App for the Pokémon video game.

App for the zoo

App for Restaurants

App to find Sunrise time.

My Notes is an app that allows you to keep track of your notes.

Using the Firebase App, play tic tac toe.

Using Firebase, build a Facebook app.

App named MediaPlayer.

Alaram is a smartphone application developed by Alaram.

App for Update Sources.

App that detects light.

The Nimbuzz buzzes.

Find My Phone is an app that helps you locate your phone.

Using PHP and MySQL to build a Twitter program.This course is for anyone who wants to learn Kotlin from the ground up. We’ll go over all of the programming basics you’ll need to get started programming Kotlin. We’ll begin by setting up the programming space, after which you’ll run your first Kotlin app and learn how Kotlin’s program flow works. After that, we’ll cover variables, math operations, and proirites. Then we’ll talk about reasoning and decision-making, and then we’ll talk about loops. After that, we’ll go over how to deal with files.

Then you’ll learn how to create Android applications and games like Pokémon and Tic Tac Toe, as well as how to deal with RESTful online resources and JSON by creating apps like Get Sunshine Period. You’ll also learn how to install, uninstall, and upgrade documents in a sqlite database, how to use room jetpack, how to use Firebase for online gaming and create social networking applications like Twitter, and how to build apps with sensors like run music when the light is on and Nimbuzz vibrate when the phone is shook, among other items.

This course is planned for the following individuals:

This course is for those interested in learning how to build Android apps using Kotlin.


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