The Complete iOS Apps Developer Course (Project base)


A short summary

This course is for anybody who wants to learn how to program Swfit4 from the ground up. We will start by going over all of the programming basics that you will need to get started programming Swfit4. We’ll begin by setting up the production framework, after which you’ll run your first Swfit4 app and learn how Swfit4’s program flow functions. After that, we’ll cover variables, math operations, and proirites. Then we’ll talk about reasoning and decision-making, and then we’ll talk about loops. After that, we’ll go over how to deal with files.After that, we’ll go over how to deal with files. Then we’ll go over functions and OOP definitions that you’ll need to know while programming applications with Swfit4, and then we’ll go over collections and the kind of collection you can use based on your app’s efficiency. Then we’ll go into multi-processing and how you can run multiple processes at the same time. Then you’ll learn how to create iOS applications and games like Pokémon and Tic Tac Toe, as well as how to deal with RESTful web services and JSON by creating apps like Get Sunshine Time.

You’ll also learn how to add, erase, and update documents in a sqlite database, as well as how to use Firebase for online gaming and creating social networking apps like Twitter.

This course is planned for the following individuals:

This course is for those interested in learning how to use Swfit4 to build iOS apps.


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