Udemy.com Offers Business Customers Hands-On Labs for Skills Development – IBL News


IBL News | New York
Udemy Business expanded with a new offering: Udemy Business Pro, which brings together interactive labs, skills assessment, pre-curated Udemy Paths, workplaces for risk-free practice environments, and hands-on labs across critical skills in Information Technology, Software Development, and Data & Analytics.
“Seventy percent of employees say they haven’t yet mastered the skills they need for the job they have today,” according to Gartner. “Additionally, only one in five employees say they have the skills they need for both their current roles and future careers.”
The Covid pandemic has accelerated already changing skill requirements across industries. Udemy’s 2021 Workplace Learning Trends Report revealed that data science and data analysis experienced a major increase in demand across various industries.
The report found that companies saw a 466% increase in data modeling training from 2019 to 2020, and a 1,488% increase in data warehouse training, demonstrating a major emphasis on data analytics skill-building.
“Udemy Business Pro will bring personalized, practical, and hands-on learning to essential technical roles, which we believe will ultimately improve productivity and help organizations build technical teams ready for the challenges of tomorrow,” said Greg Brown, President of Udemy Business.
