Complete Ansible Bootcamp: Go from zero to hero in Ansible



Become an Ansible Expert is the one of the most requested DevOps skills!

Whether you have never learn about Ansible, or want to learn about the advanced features of Ansible, this course is for you !!

Whether you want to get  theories of Ansible only, or love Hands-on & getting your hands dirty, this course is for you as well !!

With 100 lectures of video comprehensive , the course includes also :

– assignments

–  quizzes

– and Capstone Project.

In this course you will learn everything you need to become an Ansible Pro! Including:

  1. How to prepare a Lab Environment to play with Ansible
  2. Ansible Modules – from scratch
  3. Ansible Adhoc command
  4. Ansible Playbooks
  5. Ansible Variables – Global Scope
  6. Ansible Variables – Play Scope
  7. Ansible Variable – Host Scope
  8. Ansible Inventory – Expanding the inventory
  9. Ansible Task Control ( if-else, for loop,..)
  10. Jinja2 Templates
  11. Ansible Vault  [ Not Hashicorp Vault 🙂 ]
  12. Ansible Roles
  13. Install Jenkins with Ansible
  14. Install Docker Engine with Ansible
  15. Install a Kubernetes Cluster with Ansible
  16. Ansible Collections
  17. More Advanced Topics, Hints and Best practices ( Dynamic Inventory,… etc)
  18. Capstone Project  (with Go Lang, React Js and MongoDB)


In the Capstone Project section, we will configure/deploy step by step a three tier Application ( React, Go, MongoDB) using Ansible.

In this project, you will get your hands dirty by tackling all topics that you learnt in the previous sections and more.

This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee! If you are not satisfied in any way, you’ll get your money back.

So what are you waiting for? Take advantage of this time to upgrade your skills and put Ansible on your resume with CONFIDENCE!

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone wants to master Ansible in a simple, easy and quick way
  • Software Developer who wants to ease the software lifecycle by automating his configuration
  • System Administrator who wants to kill the pain of SSHing to servers, wants to automate Ops and act quickly to incidents
  • DevOps engineer who wants to implement unified CI/CD pipelines with a Clean Code using Ansible
  • SRE who wants to codify Operations of his teams and manage incidents effectively
  • Solutions Architect who seeks for designing idempotent solutions while complying with the principles of well architected framework.
