How to Get Summer Internship at IIT Kanpur 2021? | SURGE 2021 IIT Kanpur

Students-Undergraduate Research Graduate Excellence (SURGE) program 2021


Those students who are interested in research internships can apply to Under the Students-Undergraduate Research Graduate Excellence (SURGE) program 2021 at IIT Kanpur. This program is open for students from IITK and other Indian Institutions along with students from Nepal and Bhutan. Students are focused on research projects to enhance their ability to think out of the classroom.

The maximum duration of this internship program is approximately 10 weeks and this year starting date of the SURGE program is 14th June 2021 and the last date 22nd August 2021.

After successful completion of this program, students are provided with a certificate for their excellent quality research work during this summer internship at IIT Kanpur.

Non-IITK Indian students will pay an application fee of Rs.500/- through IITK Payment Gateway. All these details will be available after January 29th, 2021. (tentative)

All shortlisted SURGE 2021 students are required to pay an Administrative charge fee of Rs. 900/-

Full Detailed information about SURGE administrative charges will be made later. The SURGE administrative charges are not refundable.

ITK and NON-IITK Indian students coming to IITK through


Funding from SURGE (Institute Funded):

Those students who are working under “Funding from SURGE” only at IIT Kanpur will receive a total stipend of Rs. 12,500/- for 08 weeks duration.

Funding from IITK Project (Project Funded):

In this category, students will be working under the projects funded by IIT Kanpur Faculties.

Self Funded:

This will provide an excellent opportunity for students to work under the guidance of IIT Kanpur faculty members but would not be receiving any funding at all.

Industry-IITK tie-up:

Here students will work as individuals or in teams under real world projects proposed by industry. Students will work under mentorships of both IIT Kanpur faculties and industries. In SURGE 2021, only IIT Kanpur Students are eligible to participate under Industry-IITK tie up.


1. SURGE for Other Countries

The eligibility criteria for students at the time of starting of internship from other countries to apply for summer project at IIT Kanpur are mentioned below:

  1. a). B.Tech/BE/B-Arch/BS (3rd year completed),
  2. b). Five year degree program (3rd year completed, 4th year completed)
  3. c). B.Sc/B.A. (2nd year completed)

Interested students need to complete the online application form.

2. SURGE for Non IITK Indian Students:

The eligibility criteria for Non-IITK students at the time of starting of internship are mentioned below:

  1. a). B.Tech/BE/B-Arch/BS (3rd year completed),
  2. b). Five year degree program (3rd year completed, 4th year completed)
  3. c). B.Sc/B.A. (2nd year completed)

Interested students need to complete the online application form.

3. SURGE for IITK at IIT Kanpur:

Here is the Eligibility criteria for IITK students at the time of starting of internship are:

  1. a). B.Tech/BS (2nd,3rd year completed),
  2. b). Dual Degree (2nd, 3rd, 4th year),
  3. c). M.Sc. 2-Year (1st year)

Interested students need to complete the online application form.

Important dates

1. Opening of Online application form for SURGE IITK – 2nd February 2021.
2. Closing of Online application form SURGE IITK – 22nd February 2021.

3. Fee for Online application form for SURGE (NON IITK only) 2021 is Rs 500/- .
4. Link for Payment Procedure: LINK

Important Links

1. Link to register: LINK
2. Link to complete the online application form: LINK
3. Link for Payment Procedure: LINK
Note: All these dates are applicable for all 3 categories (NONIITK, IITK, SAARC).
Please go through the notification tab for general instructions.

SURGE IIT Kanpur 2021

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