ISRO Invites Applications for Free Online Course on Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System – DATAQUEST


ISRO is offering a free online course on remote sensing and geographical information system applications in natural resource management
ISRO is currently accepting applications for a free online course on remote sensing and geographical information system applications in natural resource management, which will be completed in 12 days. The course, which is being conducted by ISRO centre the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), will cover the use of remote sensing and geographical information system applications in agriculture and soil, forestry and ecology, geoscience and geo-hazards, marine and atmospheric sciences, urban and regional studies and water resources.
The course can be taken by undergraduate and postgraduate students of any year, as well as technical or scientific staff of central, or state government, as well as faculty, and researchers at universities or institutions. Participants who attain 70 percent attendance and 40 percent passing marks will be given ISRO certificates as well. The course will be conducted from 8 to 26 November 2021. The program is being sponsored by the Indian Space Research Organization, Department of Space, Government of India.
The following topics will be covered as part of the ISRO free online course on remote sensing and geographical information system:
Interested and eligible candidates will have to submit applications on the official website. Participants can register using the Individual registration option if their institute is not registered under the IIRS Outreach network by entering the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun as the nodal center. Course study materials like lecture slides, video-recorded lectures, open source software and handouts of demonstrations will be made available through e-class.
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