Java Games Development With libGDX | Create 5 Games


A brief description

This detailed course will walk you through the libGDX game development process in Java from start to finish. LibGDX offers an ecosystem that facilitates quick prototyping and refining. You can run and debug your game natively on the desktop instead of deploying to Android/iOS/Javascript after each code change.

This course is for those interested in learning libGDX. The game’s difficulty rises with each section, and you’ll be able to expand your experience as you progress through the course.

You’ll create awesome games and learn how to use libGDX to animate characters and create visuals for gaming.

You’ll also learn how to create random patterns, menu screens, and play music while playing the game, as well as how to create and import pictures used in the games.

The following libGDX topics are covered in this course:

Positioning of game cameras and viewpoints

Adding animation to game objects

Using custom fonts to animate game text

Multiple screens and levels were developed.

Menu screens and buttons were created.

Using the mouse, touchpad, and keyboard to input data

The game is being paused and stopped.

Changing the game’s events at random

Changing the size of game objects

Set up game maps that expand.

Introduction to Java and Introduction to libGDX are the first two parts of the course. This ensures that regardless of your prior experience with these items, you can begin by learning the fundamentals and then move to designing individual games.

This course is planned for the following individuals:

Developers that are new to Java and libGDX.
Game designers who are now starting out
Students that have never programmed before.
Employees in the programming industry
Students in computer science
seasoned programmers interested in learning game development libraries like libGDX


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