Learn the Science of Digital Marketing in 90 Minutes


Summary, Description

An experienced entrepreneur with an established history of digital media & advertising jobs. Acted with a shared aim, i.e. ‘WINNING’ with over 50+ multinationals, brands, businesses & business partners. The experience of investing more than $1.5 million on media channels.

You will master the Science of Digital Marketing in 90 minutes during this tutorial. With facts, illustrations, learning materials & quizzes, the course is highly immersive. You will be in a position to develop your own Company Digital Marketing Plan after completing this course.

7 Modules, 27 Courses in 1 Tutorial

Module 1 The Course Introduction

The current & future of doing business is Module 1.1 Digital Marketing.

Module 1.2 The Most Popular Social Networking Sites in the World

2nd module. Why can’t SMEs, for example, thrive without a digital presence?

2.1 module. Reasons for Digital Presence in Small & Medium Businesses

Module 2.2 Notes on Studying

3rd module. How COVID19 is having a big effect on e-commerce sites

Module 3.1 Case Study of Amazon Covid19 with Statistics

4th module. Know how the environment has changed by examples of digital

Module 4.1 A classic example of the evolution of the food industry in the last decade.

Module 4.2 Learn how modern networks have grown from calling a taxi

Module 4.3 How connectivity in the world has evolved to digital networks

Module 4.4 Practice Digital Marketing Evolution in 6 minutes

5th module. The discrepancy between the advantages of conventional & digital marketing.

Module 5.1 – Gain Monitoring & Leveraging Digital Marketing

Module 5.2 How AB split research is feasible with reduced cost & optimum versatility in Digital Marketing

Module 5.3 How advertisers can reach the public correctly via Digital Channels

Module 5.4 Primary Pointers in Learning

6th module. Note of Welcome

Module 6.1 The Nine Most Significant Digital Marketing Elements

Module 6.2 Learn the strength of the most critical aspect of digital marketing: Social Media

Module 6.3 – What is Optimization of Search Engines and its forms

Module 6.4 Learn by example what Affiliate Marketing is

Module 6.5 Why Digital Marketing is considered the most critical aspect of Paying Ad Platforms

Module 6.6 How a Digital Marketing Campaign can be developed

Module 6.7 Remarks ending

Content for Bonus Learning

At the conclusion of this course, you will acquire the true value of Digital Marketing and be able to develop your own Digital Marketing Strategy.

For whom this course is intended:

Owners of businesses dealing with Digital Media Strategies
Anyone who is ready to seek a career in the digital marketing field
People who are involved in working as freelancers in the modern world