Theory of Automata and Computation


Summary, Description

This is the most detailed and comprehensive course on the Philosophy of Automata and Computation, and very straight forward. If you are a computer science novice, already know the fundamentals of formal languages and computational structures for computers, or want to study the advanced features of Automata and Computation Theory, then this course is for you.

I will teach you the Principle of Automata in a very simple and immersive way in this course.

We have managed not to leave any small specifics without describing it with over 25 lectures that consist of three and a half hours of video lectures.

We discuss a broad variety of topics in this Automata Theory course, including:

  • Introduction to Automata Theory, and why are we learning it?
  • Language and its basic blocks of architecture
  • Formal and Informal Languages
  • Description of a language, i.e. descriptive definition and recursive language definition
  • Standard word, i.e., what is it? How to make it, and how?
  • Finite Automata and two forms thereof, i.e. NFA and DFA
  • Chart of Change
  • Non-Regular Languages for Regular VS
  • Online Languages and Free Grammars for Meaning
  • Automata Pushdown (PDA)


Decidability and indecisiveness, i.e. Decidable, undecidable, and partly determinable languages

For whom this course is intended:

  • Anyone who would like to study Automata Theory from beginner to intermediate stage
  • Students in computer science who have the theory of Automata as a subject of the course
  • Anyone who wants to get a better understanding of how the machine operates and how these machines are described by theoretical models
  • All who prepares for GAT or other competitive examinations
  • Students with a degree in Informatics Engineering
  • Anyone who wishes to study informatics from a scientific perspective

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