WPF in VB for Beginners,Windows Presentation Foundation XAML



Hi There!

With my 20 years programming skills I’m with you to share my knowledge with you.


If you try you will learn using WPF in VB.Net to create VB.Net Apps!

If you are beginners or student looking for a tutorial to create WPF App in VB.Net in simplest way!

I started from beginning and show you how to :

  • Start creating WPF projects in VB.Net
  • Learn the structure of XAML
  • Using WPF Window and it’s Common properties
  • Change the font, border & title in XAML
  • Using Grid , Button, Label, TextBox & ComboBox
  • MDI and SDI projects
  • Advance WPF App design: Tab order, group controls, aligning, layers …
  • Project 1: Design App settings form
  • Using VB.NET code in WPF project
  • VB.Net code to: Enable/Disable, Show/Hide, Change text ,Change color …
  • Using VB. Net to: close window or App and Exit Sub keyword
  • C# code to: Get App folder, Special folders, Run external app …
  • Using Image control in XAML and VB.Net code
  • Using open file dialog
  • and…

Don’t hesitate to start learning WPF in VB .Net!

Every thing will be discussed with sample project and you will have lot of fun within my course.

Say Hi WPF in VB.Net world and let’s go !!!

Who this course is for:

  • Any one who wants to create WPF Application and Want to leave Windows form!