Become a Web Developer (HTML5;CSS;JavaScript;Ruby;Ajax; SQL)


Summary, Description

Hello and welcome to the course here.

Web production can be difficult if you are a total novice. This course will guide you and provide you with enough detail to feel relaxed and understand the subjects properly. You should feel at ease if you are a learner who is learning.
Web design (on your own or as part of a class), an instructor searching for supplies for lessons, a hobbyist,
Or someone who really needs to hear more about the way online technology run.

The aim of this course is not to take you from “beginner” to “expert,” but to take you from “beginner” to “comfortable” so that you can feel secure about more experimentation.

The three technologies that any web developer needs to consider are:

HTML: Used for content creation
CSS: Used for the presentation of content
JavaScript: Used for interaction formation
The building blocks of both websites and online related initiatives are these key technologies. For front-end site creation, they are used collectively.

Themes include:

  • Basic HTML introduction
  • Structure of HTML Text
  • Anatomy of an aspect of HTML
  • Marking Email Text Up
  • Links Inside
  • Using HTML Attributes and Comments
  • Introduction to CSS Basic
  • Ways to Enforce CSSS
  • Ruleset of CSS
  • Basic CSS selectors
  • Multiple part styling
  • Model for CSS Box
  • Using the properties of margin and padding
  • Changing colour of the background
  • CSS Property View Display
  • Font CSS property
  • Use fonts from Google
  • Introduction to JavaScript Simple
  • JavaScript Where to Put
  • The Factors
  • Forms of Data
  • The Operators
  • Precedence for operator
  • Usage Conditionals
  • FunctionalityYou will have gained the skills to be innovative and extend this project or create related kinds of projects by the completion of this realistic course.

    For whom this course is intended:

Developers of Beginner Site
Anyone who wishes to study web design


Course Link