Artificial Intelligence for CXOs, Executives & Managers


Summary, Description

Demystifying digital transformation with caselets for CxOs, Managers & TL’s, like AI, ML, Industry 4.0, IoT & RPA

We’re going to go digital, digital! If you don’t do anything about digital, you will be left behind or disrupted into extinction—this is a message frequently heard from energy executives, administrators, team leaders and CXOs, particularly from analysts, manufacturers, market experts or the IT company in the last year or so. But now why? It’s not like a brand new idea is interactive. Since the late 1990s, when ERP systems helped lead the digital wave, energy firms have been digitally transformingBusinesses are currently making some interesting new options, such as robotic process automation (RPA), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), blockchain, and, to name a few, the Commercial Internet of Things (IIoT). The challenging challenge of corporate leaders is to decode what these buzzwords mean, to consider what is important to their business, and to decide which technology to invest in. It is crucial that leaders have a profound understanding of digital transformation because to build their figures, they would focus on digital business. Leaders would find it impossible to lead digital efforts if they do not grasp digitally clearly.

Through examples and case studies, this course presents the concepts and technologies behind AI in a simple way. The course starts with an explanation of what AI is and reveals the various forms of machine learning. It also provides a comparison of AI with other technologies such as Big Data, RPA, Cloud and Industry 4.0.

We would discuss the following in this course:

What AI is and how it compares to other sophisticated technologies

What is AI-II?

AI styles

AI’s goals

AI apps

Template Appreciation

Learning by machine:

What are deep learning and machine learning?

Various ways of machine learning

Sample machine learning examples

What is behind AI’s rise?

Technologies behind AI’s growth

What is behind AI’s rise?

Structured Vs Unstructured Knowledge

Cloud Cloud


Case Reports studies:

Detecting Deception

Improving the Prognostic Method

Detecting Face

System Automation for Robotics:

What does the RPA do?


RPA implementations

Chatbot for

RPA Solution Demo

In general terms, digital transformation can be described as incorporating digital technologies into all aspects of an enterprise, leading to profound improvements in the way firms work and how they provide value to their stakeholders (employees, suppliers, consumers, etc.) to help businesses perform successfully in an increasingly digital environment.

In many cases, digital transition is a misnomer, for not all technology is digital. It’s about how a technology can make an organisation reconsider the way it does business and modify the experience of stakeholders (customers, manufacturers, staff), and it’s about adaptation.

For digital transformation, another important point to note is that it is not a one-and-one exercise; rather, it is a mentality, a paradigm change that enables companies to continuously evolve and gradually achieve a degree of digital sophistication in order to keep up with technical advancements that are constantly emerging.

For whom this course is intended:

Managers, CXOs, Directors, Technologists and Students
Anyone interested in understanding these innovations and using them for commercial use


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