Bootcamp for AWS Serverless Application Modeling Development



At the end of this course, you will have answers to the below questions. This course tries to give you an overall serverless architecture concept to hands-on implementation in AWS serverless offering. The course is divided into two major part wherein the first part you will understand 3W, Who, Why & What is a serverless architecture & the second part is where we will do the in-depth implementation using AWS SAM, which is lambda

First Part Topics Covered

•What is Severless?

•Why we need Serverless Architecture?

•Difference in between IaaS,PaaS & FaaS(Pay Per Event).

•Advantages of Serverless Architecture.

•High level Architecture about the hands-on exercise which we will be standing up.

•What are the shortcomings?

•How Cost calculation Works?

Second Part

•How to setup AWS Account?

•What is s3 bucket & how to setup ?

•How to setup key in eclipse & Eclipse Setup?

•What is IAM role & how to setup ?

•What is AWS Lambda & how to setup?

•Each setting in AWS Lambda

•What is API Gateway & how to setup ?

•How to integrate with API Gateway?

•How API Gateway throttling works?

•What is DynamoDB & how to set up DynamoDB?

•Integrating Dynamo DB with the application.

Who this course is for:

  • Actively coding developers
  • Solution Architects
  • Project Manager & above
  • Enterprise Architect
  • System Analysts and Business analyst
