How determined are you to be a pilot? Try it first in VR.



  • Flying starts here. If you get yourself a gaming PC and controllers you can learn to fly everything. But you need to learn all the basics first.
  • VR aircraft fly just like the real thing.
  • In VR you can make and learn from all the mistakes because you are safe.
  • In VR you save thousands in cash and there are no limits to what you can fly.
  • In VR it is the cheapest and safest way to learn what you need to know to become a licensed pilot.
  • Feel free to ask questions because that is why I am here.
  • In VR you will have so much fun.

Your ability to take action and make decisions with assuredness because you are certain that you can handle the consequences of your actions. You are sure of yourself backed by your training and practiced decision making.

Ability to Make a Decision and Make It Quickly

Why this is an important skill for pilots: Most people, given enough information, can make a sound decision that results in a positive outcome. But when flying an airplane, time and resource constraints, as well as other stress-adding factors like scared passengers or turbulence, can make decision-making a bit more challenging.

How you can apply this skill to your career: Most jobs don’t have life-threatening outcomes possible from everyday decisions, but you also need to make decisions quickly and correctly. For instance, you don’t have time to research proper techniques for calming a person down when a client is screaming at you right now.

In other situations, you may have time to research and make decisions but this process can lead to analysis paralysis. Once you have enough information to proceed, you can proceed confidently. Remember, it’s rare that only one right way exists to take action.

Why this is an important skill for pilots: Pilots have a strict set of rules to follow from regulating bodies and various other sources. The federal aviation regulations, for example, set the basic operating rules for flying within the nation’s airspace. Following these rules is paramount to keeping everyone alive. And there are other rules, too, like the rules that the airplane manufacturer publishes in the aircraft manual, which are often “suggestions” that, if not followed, could kill. And a pilot flying or working for a company will also be subject to following specific company policies and procedures.

These rules are all meant to keep people safe and alive, but, at times, breaking the rules is the safer option–like busting an ATC clearance or company protocol because an urgent situation compels you to do so. Pilots know that following the rules is ideal, but breaking them is sometimes the better option.

Who this course is for:

  • Beginner to expert.
