Rank & Rent Local Lead Generation: The Complete Guide


Summary Description

Hi, my name is Jamie Tsang. I have been doing Rank and Rent for more than 3 years and right now am making an easy revenue from this plan of action.

Is it accurate to say that you are needing to search for an approach to make an easy revenue from the solace of your own home? Work for yourself? Have all the more available energy? Rank and Rent is the ideal method to accomplish these. The plan of action is a basic 3-venture measure:

1. Assemble a site (Digital Asset)

2. Rank it on web crawlers (Such as google)

3. Lease it out to neighborhood entrepreneurs nearby (And get paid on a repetitive premise)

With more than 70 talks and over 7 hours of substance, this thorough course is the finished start to finish manual for Rank and Rent. You will actually want to assemble your advanced properties and begin getting paid for creating leads for nearby organizations.

You will actually want to track with me as I utilize a live model all through this course to empower you to follow bit by bit on how I make my easy revenue.

I’ll wager you’ve even gone over other Rank and Rent or Local Lead Generation courses online which cost you thousands to join and join. A portion of these solitary start to expose the Rank and Rent model and don’t really expound. Fortunately for you I give all the data that these courses have and that’s just the beginning.

You’ll figure out how to fabricate sites, do proficient specialty research, utilize the force of SEO to soar your rankings and become familiar with the intricate details of getting a B2B manage a neighborhood business to land your easy revenue!

This course is for all levels, regardless of whether you are a finished fledgling or a prepared master, you will become familiar with the ‘mystery ingredient’ to soaring your advanced resources that bring in cash for you!

This is the most complete guide on the Rank and Rent plan of action and Local Lead Generation, nothing remains unturned! This course covers:

Specialty Research

Catchphrase Research

Site Building

Google Search Console


Building site landing page

Building administration pages

Making full site content

Site route

Web optimization

On-Page SEO

Inward Linking


Pagespeed Optimization

Off-Page SEO


Backlinking Strategies

GMB Setup

GMB Optimization


Complete manual for re-appropriating

Discovering neighborhood organizations

Proficient call-content layouts

Getting it

Thus substantially more!

You will get lifetime admittance to more than 70 talks and admittance to numerous assets all through the course to give you an edge in this plan of action.

In the event that you have just estimated the Rank and Rent demonstrate or have just made a plunge and are battling with the fundamentals and need full direction, follow me and together we will figure out how to make an easy revenue in this plan of action!

For whom this course is intended for:

Individuals hoping to make an easy revenue as an afterthought

Individuals hoping to stop their 9-5 to make a more easy revenue stream

Individuals hoping to find out about Rank and Rent and Local Lead Generation

Individuals needing to make a versatile business



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